Board of Directors

Anne Weisberg

Anne Weisberg is a recognized subject matter expert and thought leader on creating inclusive, high performing workplaces. As the Senior Advisor-in-Residence at Women of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy (WRISE), she works to advance the WRISE mission by fostering diversity, equity and inclusion in the clean energy sector. Anne is also an adjunct professor of management at the NYU-Stern School of Business, where she teaches inclusive leadership to both MBA students and executives.

Prior to WRISE, Anne worked at the law firm of Paul, Weiss, BlackRock and Deloitte on women’s leadership and talent management strategies, as well at two non-profit research organizations focused on women and work- the Families and Work Institute and Catalyst. Anne has practiced law and written extensively on the topic of women and the workforce, including a New York Times op-ed titled “What Flying Nannies Won’t Fix” about workplace culture, and co-authored two books, Mass Career Customization: Aligning the Workplace With Today’s Nontraditional Workforce and What Every Working Mother Needs to Know. Anne is a cum laude graduate from Harvard Law School and the College of Natural Resources at UC-Berkeley.  She and her husband have five children between them.

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