Our Staff

Lisa Garcia

Staff Attorney

Lisa joined A Better Balance in September 2021 as a Legal Fellow. She received her J.D. from the University of Georgia School of Law in 2021. Before graduation, Lisa interned at the Latin American Association in Atlanta, GA as an Equal Justice Works Fellow and a Georgia Latino Law Foundation Fellow. She also interned at LatinoJustice PRLDEF in New York, NY, and the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York, NY. During law school, she also worked at her school’s Community Health Law Partnership Clinic serving immigrant clients and helping community members with SNAP benefits. Lisa was an editor on the Georgia Law Review, served as President of the Hispanic Law Students Association (HLSA), and worked as a research assistant for Dr. Fazal Khan. She received her B.A. from Valdosta State University in 2017 for Interdisciplinary Studies with concentrations in English and Political Science.

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