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The Federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

Inspired by an A Better Balance Op-Ed in The New York Times, Congress first introduced the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) in 2012. In the following decade, A Better Balance led the campaign to pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act into law in 2022. 

The PWFA ensures pregnant workers will not be fired unnecessarily or denied reasonable job modifications that will keep them working while maintaining a healthy pregnancy. This law makes it clear that all pregnant workers in this country are entitled to reasonable job accommodations. In September 2020, the House of Representatives (led by sponsors Rep. Nadler and Rep. Katko) passed the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act in an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote under the leadership of Speaker Pelosi. In 2021, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act was re-introduced and passed in the House of Representatives again in another overwhelmingly bipartisan vote (315-101), and was introduced in the Senate (sponsored by leads Sen. Casey and Sen. Cassidy), where it passed in December 2022 as part of the omnibus spending package. A Better Balance testified before Congress at the PWFA’s first ever hearing in 2019, and again in 2021. See below for comprehensive resources on the legislation.

Resources on the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

Fact Sheets:

Pregnant Workers’ Leadership:

ABB Reports

Congressional Testimony:

Organizational Letters of Support:

For a full list of letters from the advocacy community, see here

Letters of Support during the 117th Congress (2021 – 2022)

Letters of Support during the 116th Congress (2019 – 2020): 


Business Support:

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